Monday, October 24, 2011

work it out

This past winter I really got into my body pump classes at the gym. Before, I was always so intimidated to go to classes by myself (I'm a baby) so I would just do my classic run for hours on the treadmill & abs afterward. I was totally doing my body a disfavor. I wasn't shocking my body with new workouts, which didn't help me tone up at all. I finally bit the bullet and decided to go to a class. Um what the heck was I scared of?? I absolutely loved it and now I'm OBSESSED! There are people of all fitness levels and body types. Plus if you go enough, you start to make friends with the regulars! Now because of these classes, I know a lot of weight training and muscle building exercises that I can do on my own. Weight training 2-3x a week is so beneficial to your workouts and can definitely help you lose those last few extra pounds!

This is a total-body workout that I do on those days I don't want to go to a class or don't have time. It only requires one piece of equipment too- dumbbells!


  1. girl when do you go to pump classes?! I wanna come with you! I love pump!

  2. I go tuesday & thurday mornings & sometimes saturday mornings! Lets go!!
